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Welcome to the D'Amico Reecipes API! You can use our API to access D'Amico Recipes API endpoints, which can interact with our database of recipes, as well as the D'Amico Recipes client application.


Get All Recipes

To retrieve all recipes, use this code:

curl -X GET

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing an array of all existing recipes like this:

  "recipes": [
      "_id": "5cb0fca6801931051237cdf0",
      "name": "Baked Chicken Cutlets",
      "ingredients": [
          "Chicken Breast",
          "Egg (1)",
          "Bread Crumbs",
          "Grated Cheese"
      "instructions": [
          "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
          "Sramble egg in bowl",
          "Dip cutlets in bowl",
          "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
          "Bake in oven at 350 for 20 mins, flipping halfway through",
          "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
      "sides": [
          "Vegetable Pasta",
      "meal": "dinner",
      "type": "chicken"
      "_id": "5ceac2cc9bac1c0017ac7386",
      "name": "Banana Pancakes",
      "ingredients": [
          "Banana (1)",
          "Egg (1)"
      "instructions": [
          "Mash banana in bowl",
          "Add egg",
          "Scramble mixture",
          "Pour into pan as 3 separate pancakes",
          "Cook over medium flame until edges are golden brown",
          "Serve with side of choice"
      "sides": [
          "Peanut Butter",
          "Turkey Bacon"
      "meal": "breakfast",
      "type": "pancakes"
    ...more recipes

This endpoint retrieves all existing recipes from the database.

HTTP Request


Get an Individual Recipe

To retrieve an individual recipe, use this code:

curl -X GET<id>

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing specific recipe information like this:

  "_id": "5cb0fca6801931051237cdf0",
  "name": "Baked Chicken Cutlets",
  "ingredients": [
      "Chicken Breast",
      "Egg (1)",
      "Bread Crumbs",
      "Grated Cheese"
  "instructions": [
      "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
      "Sramble egg in bowl",
      "Dip cutlets in bowl",
      "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
      "Bake in oven at 350 for 20 mins, flipping halfway through",
      "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
  "sides": [
      "Vegetable Pasta",
  "meal": "dinner",
  "type": "chicken"

This endpoint retrieves an individual recipe from the database.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the recipe to retrieve

Get Recipes by Meal

To retrieve recipes by meal, use this code:

curl -X GET<meal>

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing an array of all existing recipes matching the specified meal like this:

  "recipes": [
      "_id": "5ceac2cc9bac1c0017ac7386",
      "name": "Banana Pancakes",
      "ingredients": [
          "Banana (1)",
          "Egg (1)"
      "instructions": [
          "Mash banana in bowl",
          "Add egg",
          "Scramble mixture",
          "Pour into pan as 3 separate pancakes",
          "Cook over medium flame until edges are golden brown",
          "Serve with side of choice"
      "sides": [
          "Peanut Butter",
          "Turkey Bacon"
      "meal": "breakfast",
      "type": "pancakes"
    ...more recipes with same meal property value

This endpoint retrieves all existing recipes matching the specified meal from the database.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
meal meal of the recipes to retrieve

Get Recipes by Type

To retrieve recipes by type, use this code:

curl -X GET<type>

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing an array of all existing recipes matching the specified type like this:

  "recipes": [
      "_id": "5ceac2cc9bac1c0017ac7386",
      "name": "Banana Pancakes",
      "ingredients": [
          "Banana (1)",
          "Egg (1)"
      "instructions": [
          "Mash banana in bowl",
          "Add egg",
          "Scramble mixture",
          "Pour into pan as 3 separate pancakes",
          "Cook over medium flame until edges are golden brown",
          "Serve with side of choice"
      "sides": [
          "Peanut Butter",
          "Turkey Bacon"
      "meal": "breakfast",
      "type": "pancakes"
    ...more recipes with same type property value

This endpoint retrieves all existing recipes matching the specified type from the database.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
type type of the recipes to retrieve

Create a Recipe

To create a recipe, use this code:

curl -X POST
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "name": "Baked Chicken Cutlets",
    "ingredients": [
        "Chicken Breast",
        "Egg (1)",
        "Bread Crumbs",
        "Grated Cheese"
    "instructions": [
        "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
        "Sramble egg in bowl",
        "Dip cutlets in bowl",
        "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
        "Bake in oven at 350 for 20 mins, flipping halfway through",
        "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
    "sides": [
        "Vegetable Pasta",
    "meal": "dinner",
    "type": "chicken"

The above command returns a 201 status code and a JSON object containing the recipe information like this:

    "_id": "5cb0fca6801931051237cdf0",
    "name": "Baked Chicken Cutlets",
    "ingredients": [
        "Chicken Breast",
        "Egg (1)",
        "Bread Crumbs",
        "Grated Cheese"
    "instructions": [
        "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
        "Sramble egg in bowl",
        "Dip cutlets in bowl",
        "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
        "Bake in oven at 350 for 20 mins, flipping halfway through",
        "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
    "sides": [
        "Vegetable Pasta",
    "meal": "dinner",
    "type": "chicken"

This endpoint creates a new recipe, adding it to the database.

HTTP Request


Required Fields

Field Description
name recipe name
ingredients recipe ingredients
instructions recipe instructions
sides recipe sides
meal recipe meal
type recipe type

Edit a Recipe

To edit a recipe, use this code:

curl -X PUT<id>
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "_id": "5cb0fca6801931051237cdf0",
    "name": "Fried Chicken Cutlets",
    "ingredients": [
        "Chicken Breast",
        "Egg (1)",
        "Bread Crumbs",
        "Grated Cheese"
    "instructions": [
        "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
        "Sramble egg in bowl",
        "Dip cutlets in bowl",
        "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
        "Cook in oil over medium flame",
        "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
    "sides": [
        "Vegetable Pasta",
    "meal": "dinner",
    "type": "chicken"

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing the updated data like this:

  "_id": "5cb0fca6801931051237cdf0",
  "name": "Fried Chicken Cutlets",
  "ingredients": [
      "Chicken Breast",
      "Egg (1)",
      "Bread Crumbs",
      "Grated Cheese"
  "instructions": [
      "Cut chicken breast into thin cutlets",
      "Sramble egg in bowl",
      "Dip cutlets in bowl",
      "Coat egg-dipped cutlets in bread crumbs",
      "Cook in oil over medium flame",
      "Top with grated cheese & serve with side of choice"
  "sides": [
      "Vegetable Pasta",
  "meal": "dinner",
  "type": "chicken"

This endpoint edits an exisintg recipe in the database.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the recipe to edit

Required Fields

Field Description
_id id of the recipe to edit

Optional Fields

Field Description
name recipe name
ingredients recipe ingredients
instructions recipe instructions
sides recipe sides
meal recipe meal
type recipe type

Delete a Recipe

To delete a recipe, use this code:

curl -X DELETE<id>

The above command returns a 204 status code.

This endpoint deletes an existing recipe from the database.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the recipe to delete


The D'Amico Recipes API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
404 Not Found -- The specified request could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.