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Welcome to the Medicine Cabinet API! You can use our API to access Medicine Cabinet API endpoints, which can interact with our database of medicinal cannabis strains, as well as manage your digital medicine cabinet.


To register with Medicine Cabinet, use this code:

curl -X POST
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "userName": "<your username>",
    "password": "<your password>",
    "firstName": "<your first name>",
    "lastName": "<your last name>"

The above command returns a 201 status code and a JSON object containing the user information like this:

    "_id": "5c2a84e2ddca060017e13899",
    "firstName": "test",
    "lastName": "tester",
    "userName": "testuser",
    "strains": []

Medicine Cabinet uses JSON Web Token (JWT) to conrol access to the API. To obtain a token, you must have an account. To create an account, you can either register from the client or make a POST request to the users endpoint.

HTTP Request


Required Fields

Field Description
userName desired username
password desired password
firstName your first name
lastName your last name


To obtain a token, use this code:

curl -X POST
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "userName": "<your username>",
    "password": "<your password>"

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing a token like this:

    "authToken": "<token>"

Once you have an account, you must either login from the client or make a POST request to the auth/login endpoint in order to obtain a token.

HTTP Request

Required Fields

Field Description
userName your username
password your password

The returned token must be added in the header of any request to a protected endpoint via Bearer Authentication. The header should look as follows:

Authorization: Bearer <token>


Get All Strains

To retrieve all strains, use this code:

curl -X GET

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing an array of all existing strains like this:

  "strains": [
      "_id": "5c1151437a2d9625e08a7c8c",
      "name": "A-Dub",
      "type": "Hybrid",
      "description": "A cross between Sour Double & Alien Dawg",
      "flavor": "Earthy",
      "comments": []
    { strain

This endpoint retrieves all existing strains from the database.

This endpoint is NOT protected, therefore does not require a token.

HTTP Request


Get a Specific Strain

To retrieve a specific strain, use this code:

curl -X GET<id>

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing specific strain information like this:

  "_id": "5c1151437a2d9625e08a7c8c",
  "name": "A-Dub",
  "type": "Hybrid",
  "description": "A cross between Sour Double & Alien Dawg",
  "flavor": "Earthy",
  "comments": []

This endpoint retrieves a specific strain from the database.

This endpoint is NOT protected, therefore does not require a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to retrieve

Create a Strain

To create a strain, use this code:

curl -X POST
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "name": "New Strain",
    "type": "Hybrid",
    "description": "A very new strain",
    "flavor": "Sweet"

The above command returns a 201 status code and a JSON object containing the strain information like this:

    "_id": "5c2a3758d1490900174e9da8",
    "name": "New Strain",
    "type": "Hybrid",
    "description": "A very new strain",
    "flavor": "Sweet",
    "comments": []

This endpoint creates a new strain, adding it to the database.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


Required Fields

Field Description
name name of strain
type type of strain
description description of strain
flavor flavor of strain

Update a Specific Strain

To update a strain, use this code:

curl -X PUT<id>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "_id": "5c2a3758d1490900174e9da8",
    "name": "Old Strain",
    "type": "Indica",
    "description": "This strain is somewhat older now",
    "flavor": "Sweet"

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing the updated data like this:

    "_id": "5c2a3758d1490900174e9da8",
    "name": "Old Strain",
    "type": "Indica",
    "description": "This strain is somewhat older now",
    "flavor": "Sweet",
    "comments": []

This endpoint updates an exisintg strain in the database.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to update

Required Fields

Field Description
_id id of strain to update

Optional Fields

Field Description
name updated name of strain
type updated type of strain
description updated description of strain
flavor updated flavor of strain

Delete a Specific Strain

To delete a strain, use this code:

curl -X DELETE<id>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The above command returns a 204 status code.

This endpoint deletes an existing strain from the database.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to delete

Add Strain Comment

To add a comment to a strain, use this code:

curl -X POST<id>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{
    "comment": {
        "content": "This is a test comment",
        "author": "testuser"

The above command returns a 201 status code and a JSON object containing a message like this:

    "message": "Comment added to strain"

This endpoint adds a comment to an existing strain in the database.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain you would like to add the comment to

Required Fields

Field Description
comment object containing "content" and "author"
- content content of the comment
- author author of the comment

Delete Strain Comment

To remove a comment from a strain, use this code:

curl -X DELETE<id>/<commentid>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' 

The above command returns a 204 status code.

This endpoint removes an existing comment from an existing strain in the database.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to remove the comment from
commentid id of the comment to remove


Get All Cabinet Strains

To retrieve all strains from your cabinet, use this code:

curl -X GET
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The above command returns a 200 status code, as well as a JSON object containing an array of all existing cabinet strains and the user id like this:

    "strains": [
            "_id": "5c1151437a2d9625e08a7c92",
            "name": "Blueberry",
            "type": "Indica",
            "description": "2000 High Times Cannabis Cup Winner for Best Indica",
            "flavor": "Blueberry",
            "comments": [
                    "_id": "5c1fd48fd251bc001769435f",
                    "content": "This strain is perfect for anyone who is trying to relax and wind down after a long day. Tastes great too!",
                    "author": "miamiyankee13"
    "_id": "5c297938214f280017250552"

This endpoint retrieves all existing strains from your cabinet.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


Add a Cabinet Strain

To add a strain to your cabinet, use this code:

curl -X PUT<id>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The above command returns a 200 status code and a JSON object containing a message like this:

    "message": "Strain added to user"

This endpoint adds an existing strain to your cabinet.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to add

Delete a Cabinet Strain

To remove a strain from your cabinet, use this code:

curl -X DELETE<id>
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

The above command returns a 204 status code.

This endpoint removes an existing strain from your cabinet.

This endpoint IS protected, therefore requires a token.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id id of the strain to remove


The Medicine Cabinet API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your username, password, or token is invalid.
404 Not Found -- The specified request could not be found.
422 Unprocessable Entity -- Request could not be processed.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.